Author: Alexander Barkov
> However, I experienced a big problem when compiling mnogosearch-3.2.0.b1.
> When I compile the mentioned version of the search engine, I got the following error 
> "/usr/local/src/mno320b1/src/sql.c:1364: undefined reference to 
> So, I have modified sql.c program. ( I changed the function name from 'udm_snprintf' 
>to 'snprintf')
> After doing that the compilation was successful (hooray!!)
> My first question is, how can I compile successfully without modifying the source 

Thanks for reporting! You fix it as it expected to be, it
should be snprintf(). We just forgot to replace udm_snprintf 
calls in Oracle related code. I've fixed this in current sources.

> Secondly, I can't use the indexer for multi-lingual indexing.
> LocalCharset UTF-8 doesn't work. After indexing my website with UTF-8 option, the 
>characters are broken. More specifically the contents of the TXT column in the URL 
>table show broken characters. With EUC-KR the indexing works fine.
> How can I resolve this issue? 

Could you please give me an URL of a page which give
incorrect results. I'll check it on my box.

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