Frank Ridderbusch wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm having problems with mnogosearch in connection with Oracle8i. I'm
> getting the following output:
>  utensil:/usr/local/httpd/mnogosearch/etc # ../sbin/indexer -v2
>  Indexer[12392]: indexer from mnogosearch-3.1.18/Oracle8 started with 
>  Indexer[12392]: [1] Error: 'Oracle - ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended!'
> Using -v5 does not improve the situation. It appears, that it is alway
> the same URL, which causes the problem. Using weblint and tidy on this
> page doesn't report anything significant. The page is however produced
> with xlHtml from an Excel file. It is possible, that the file
> basically consists of one large line.
> What can I do, to improve the debugging situation, possibly see the
> generated SQL?


Please uncomment this line in sql.c:

#define DEBUG_SQL

then recompile. indexer will output all SQL queries being
sent to backend. What is the query which produces error?
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