
I have installed MnoGoSearch successfully on my Solaris 2.6. I did the indexer on my site. But when I tried the search function, it produced the following error message: (also see the attached htm file on the error)

Displaying documents 1-50 of total 216 found.
An error occured!

Query error: SELECT url.url,url.title,url.text,url.content_type,url.size,url.last_modified,url.keywords,url.description,url.crc,dict.url_id,sum(dict.word in ('tec'))as r,(( sum(dict.word='tec')))as qu FROM dict,url WHERE dict.word in ('tec') AND dict.url_id in (1024,182,222,1128,2844,36,211,212,233,248,647,652,1118,34,128,131,215,221,224,235,246,637,639,646,648,649,650,651,653,654,655,1103,1104,1105,1106,1109,1110,1111,1112,1113,1114,1115,1116,1117,1119,1120,1121,1122,1123,1124) AND dict.url_id=url.rec_id GROUP BY url_id HAVING qu>0 ORDER BY r DESC
Unknown column 'url.text' in 'field list'

When I checked the url table, there is no such column. It does have txt field, not text. If I change it to text in the database table definition, I got another error complaining the field url.size since there is no such field!

Your help is appreciated!

Eric Zhi Chen    

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.tec.hkr.se/~chen

School of Engineering 
Kristianstad University

Tel: 046-44-20 31 75   Fax: 044-20 31 53
Title: Search WWW.HKr.se : tec

Search WWW.Hkr.se

Search for:
Results per page: 10 20 50 Output format: Long Short URL Match: All Any Boolean Full phrase Search for: Whole word Beginning Ending Substring through: Entire site Manual Products Support in: all sections Description Keywords Title Body
Search results: tec: 383    
Displaying documents 1-50 of total 216 found.
An error occured!

Query error: SELECT url.url,url.title,url.text,url.content_type,url.size,url.last_modified,url.keywords,url.description,url.crc,dict.url_id,sum(dict.word in ('tec'))as r,(( sum(dict.word='tec')))as qu FROM dict,url WHERE dict.word in ('tec') AND di ct.url_id in (1024,182,222,1128,2844,36,211,212,233,248,647,652,1118,34,128,131,215,221,224,235,246,637,639,646,648,649,650,651,653,654,655,1103,1104,1105,1106,1109,1110,1111,1112,1113,1114,1115,1116,1117,1119,1120,1121,1122,1123,1124) AND dict.url_id=ur l
Unknown column 'url.text' in 'field list'

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