
I would like to start by saying that I'm very happy with mnoGoSearch. The
performance is great, especially after moving to crc-multi word storage mode 
and running the optimizer script now and then.

There's one thing I'm clueless about though. I still haven't been able to
understand how the weightfactors work. I've been reading search.txt multiple 
times but that didn't help me.

an example:
I didn't change any of the default *Weight parameters in the indexer.conf
The search 'search.cgi?q=someword&m=all&wf=00F00' first returns documents
that don't have 'someword' in the title before returning the documents with
'someword' in the title. I thought 00F00 tells the search program to take
into account the title field and ignore the other fields?
There must be something that I'm missing about the *Weight parameters and
the wf parameter. Is there a document other than search.txt that explains

I'm using mnoGoSearch 3.1.16 with MySQL on Linux. I'm using the search.cgi 
written in C.

Any information would be highly apreciated.

Kristof Verniers

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