Author: Paul Stewart
Hi there...

Looking at using Mnogosearch for a rather large internal indexing project.  Looking at 
5 million documents to start but probably around 30 million html documents when 

Can Mnogosearch handle this capacity?  I noticed the searchd similar to aspseek's 
mentioned on your website.  Does this mean that something like this would work:

1 front end web server running a search form
5 servers running indexers with different configs in each one

When a user searches, the php script will connect to all five servers, gather all 
their results, sort them etc. and then output good results? :)

I believe that I could run 30 million on one powerful box without getting into several 
boxes but wondering what the largest site out there is running currently both for size 
and also the hardware behind the scenes?  A URL would be great...:)



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