Author: Dominik
Hi, I'm having a problem with assigned weights during the search time. I'm using 
mnoGoSearch 3.1.19 with crc-multi mode.
I use the database server table to load up the indexer. 
Also I'm using an AND search.0
I have been trying to get the following relevancy:

Title of the document approx 60% of the weight
Meta description of the document approx 30%
and Body of the document approx 10%
everything else is not supposed to be taken under consideration.

So I've set up the indexer.conf with the following values:
BodyWeight 4
TitleWeight 8
KeywordWeight 0
DescWeight 2

Same values were inserted into the records in the server table. 
I use MaxHops 1
The indexer seems to index everything fine. But when I go to search something, for 
example 2 words that I know exist in the TITLEs of some of the URLs that are indexed, 
I don't get them as the top results. sometimes when I do the search, the results are 
not even showing up and I know that they should be. I am wondering if there is a 
certain way to assign the weights and maybe if I'm doing something wrong. I have a 
feeling that I'm missing something obvious, but I can't seem to find it. How should I 
go about setting up the weights?
Thanks a lot. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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