
I'm indexing our web site.
It has different part:
- the static html, indexed through the file system,
- some documents (pdf, doc etc.) indexed throught the 
  file system too and
- one table, indexed through the htdb:/ server.

All is inside the indexer.conf.
I need to start the indexer few times to have the main part of the
document indexed and each time it adds some of them. The last indexed
are the ones that need an external parser and even at when it stops
there are some "Not indexed yet". And the indexer does not work any more
on these urls.
What happens is for me quite strange, I leave here some data:

-> indexer -w -C
-> indexer -a 
-> indexer -S

          Database statistics

    Status    Expired      Total
         0        588        593 Not indexed yet
       200          0       1802 OK
       301          0          2 Moved Permanently
       302          0         11 Moved Temporarily
       401          0         82 Unauthorized
       503          0         74 Service Unavailable
     Total        588       2564

-> indexer
-> indexer -S

          Database statistics

    Status    Expired      Total
         0          0        478 Not indexed yet
       200          0       1914 OK
       301          0          2 Moved Permanently
       302          0         11 Moved Temporarily
       401          0         82 Unauthorized
       404          0          3 Not found
       503          0         74 Service Unavailable
     Total          0       2564

-> indexer
-> indexer -S

          Database statistics

    Status    Expired      Total
         0          0        385 Not indexed yet
       200          0       2071 OK
       301          0          2 Moved Permanently
       302          0         12 Moved Temporarily
       401          0         95 Unauthorized
       404          0          3 Not found
       503          0         74 Service Unavailable
     Total          0       2642

-> indexer

nothing more. what can I do to have these 385 url indexed?

thanks a lot
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