
Tuesday, January 22, 2002, 4:10:54 PM, you wrote:

np> Hi all
np> I have recently installed mno v3.1.19, php 4.0.6 and mysql 3.23.
np> The mno indexer works very well but the php front end always gives me
np> a result of 0 with any search.

np> I built php with the following configure command
np> './configure' '--with-mysql=/usr' '--with-mnogosearch' '--with-apxs'

np> When i run 'show status' in the mysql editor the connection count never seems
np> to increment when i search so I can only assume that no connection with the
np> database
np> is being made.

What version of php frontend do you use ?
Please verify your DBAddr and DBMode settings.
Also check apache error logs.

Regards, Sergey aka gluke.

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