Hello general,

I have a WWW server with 2 parts - one part is free and another part
is hidden. So I'd like to index both parts and use 2 different search
forms for them.

Here is the scheme of the site:

http://www.abped.com/prev - free part (/usr/home/abped/www/abped/prev
- system path to the following URL)
http://www.abped.com/protected - hidden part
(/usr/home/abped/www/abped/protected - system path to the following URL)

Here is the part of indexer.conf file

Server http://www.abped.com/prev/ file:/usr/home/abped/www/abped/prev/

Now let start the indexer

./indexer -C (to clean the tables)
./indexer -a -v 5

Indexer[43161]: indexer from mnogosearch-3.1.19/MySQL started with 
Indexer[43161]: [1] Load stopword table 'stopword'
Indexer[43161]: [1] http://www.abped.com/robots.txt
Indexer[43161]: [1] Server 'http://www.abped.com/prev/'
Indexer[43161]: [1] Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] Alias: 'file:/usr/home/abped/www/abped/prev/s.txt'
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is this alias file?? Where did mnogosearch
get it from?
Indexer[43161]: [1] HTTP/1.0 404 Not found
Indexer[43161]: [1] HTTP/1.0 404 Not found ? 0
Indexer[43161]: [1] Deleting URL
Indexer[43161]: [1] http://www.abped.com/prev/
Indexer[43161]: [1] Server 'http://www.abped.com/prev/'
Indexer[43161]: [1] Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] Alias: 'file:/usr/home/abped/www/abped/prev/'
Indexer[43161]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Indexer[43161]: [1] text/html
Indexer[43161]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK text/html 1043
Indexer[43161]: [1] "./": Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] "../": Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] Skip "../" : no Server
Indexer[43161]: [1] "19-nov-01/": Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] "main.shtml": Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] "update.html": Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] "20-nov-01/": Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] "21-nov-01/": Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] "23-nov-01/": Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] "26-nov-01/": Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] "29-nov-01/": Allow by default
Indexer[43161]: [1] "30-nov-01/": Allow by default

The rest of the log is OK. And the indexing finished successfully.

Now I'd like to index the protected part.

Here is the part of indexer.conf file

Server http://www.abped.com/protected/ file:/usr/home/abped/www/abped/protected/

Now let start the indexer

./indexer -C (to clean the tables)
./indexer -a -v 5

Here is the log:

Indexer[43299]: indexer from mnogosearch-3.1.19/MySQL started with 
Indexer[43299]: [1] Load stopword table 'stopword'
Indexer[43299]: [1] http://www.abped.com/robots.txt
Indexer[43299]: [1] Server 'http://www.abped.com/protected/'
Indexer[43299]: [1] Allow by default
Indexer[43299]: [1] Alias: 'file:/usr/home/abped/www/abped/protected/'
Indexer[43299]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Indexer[43299]: [1] text/html
Indexer[43299]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK text/html 1077
Indexer[43299]: [1] "./": Allow by default
Indexer[43299]: [1] Skip "./" : no Server
Indexer[43299]: [1] "../": Allow by default
Indexer[43299]: [1] Skip "../" : no Server
Indexer[43299]: [1] "19-nov-01/": Allow by default
Indexer[43299]: [1] Skip "19-nov-01/" : no Server
Indexer[43299]: [1] "main.shtml": Allow by default
Indexer[43299]: [1] Skip "main.shtml" : no Server
Indexer[43299]: [1] Skip "18-jan-02/" : no Server
Indexer[43299]: [1] "22-jan-02/": Allow by default
Indexer[43299]: [1] Skip "22-jan-02/" : no Server
Indexer[43299]: [1] "23-jan-02/": Allow by default
Indexer[43299]: [1] Skip "23-jan-02/" : no Server
Indexer[43299]: [1] "update.html": Allow by default
Indexer[43299]: [1] Skip "update.html" : no Server
Indexer[43299]: [1] http://www.abped.com/protected/
Indexer[43299]: [1] Server 'http://www.abped.com/protected/'
Indexer[43299]: [1] Allow by default
Indexer[43299]: [1] Alias: 'file:/usr/home/sbped/www/abped/protected/'
Indexer[43299]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Indexer[43299]: [1] text/html
Indexer[43299]: [1] HTTP/1.0 200 OK text/html 1077
Indexer[43299]: [1] Duplicate Document with #1
Indexer[43299]: [1] Done (0 seconds)

Why in this case Mnogosearch didn't index anything?

Best regards,
 Alexander Isaev                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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