
Where can i download tamil literature samples in both charsets ?

Vathanan Kumarathurai wrote:

> I am setting up mnogosearch (v 3.2.3) to index some tamil pages. 
> Various charsets are used to display Tamil, but TSCII  is becoming the 
> standard for Tamil (see the link below).
> -- Is it possible to use TSCII in mnogosearch?
> -- How do I setup mnosearch to index the pages as TSCII?
> -- Is it possible to use different charsets, like TSCII and ISCII?
> http://www.tamil.net/tscii/index.html
> TextCat: Implementation of "N-Gram-Based Text Categorization" supporting 
> Tamil
> http://odur.let.rug.nl/~vannoord/TextCat/
> http://tdil.mit.gov.in/standards.htm
> /vathanan

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