Author: Alexander Barkov

Sorry for a late reply, I did not see this message before.

> Hi,
> How can I extract n grams or stemmed n grams of a page that has been crawled 
> by 
> mnogosearch ?
> For example i give mnogosearch the url of a page and it gives me n grams, 
> stemmed n grams.

Can you please clarify what you mean by n grams and stemmed n grams?

If you want a list of all search terms that indexer found on
the page, you can do the following:

- configure indexer.conf to crawl this URL:
Server page http://somesite/somepage.html
- crawl it by running "indexer"
- index it by running "indexer --index"
- check the result of "select word, secno from bdict" 

> Thanks

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