Sorry for not being clear. Is there a way to set the fs_rom service to
provide files from a directory within a filesystem (e.g. /bin) as ROM
modules? (Sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology.)
Since writing the previous email, I have experimented with acpi, ahci, and
part_blk. I modified a previously working config file to use acpi instead
of directly calling pci_drv, and that made it stop booting properly. I
copied the acpi code from the config file resulting from (which
fails), and put acpi_drv in menu.lst. It seems that Genode's ACPI driver
doesn't work, at least in qemu.
As for part_blk, I have made an HD image with 2 partitions and included it
as a ROM module. I used some of the part_blk sample config in the README
file. part_blk detects the two partitions correctly. I then routed the
Block service to rump_fs. When I booted the system in qemu, it didn't get
past rump_fs. rump_fs never made its filesystem service available. Unless
my configuration is wrong, which I don't think it is, there is a bug in
part_blk. Have any successful tests been done with part_blk?
Sorry for not attaching any config files—I'm not at my computer right now
and won't be for several hours. I have successfully gotten Genode to load
executables from an iso image and have based my part_blk test on that.
On Oct 30, 2014 4:04 AM, "Norman Feske" <>

> Hi Ben,
> > 1. How do I load executables and libraries from a filesystem?
> you cannot load executables or libraries directly a file system. On
> Genode, executables and libraries are always requested as so-called ROM
> sessions. Let me clarify the difference between ROM sessions and
> file-system sessions:
> A ROM session provides a single ROM module as dataspace, which can be
> mapped in a virtual address space. When creating a new process, the
> parent of the new process obtains a ROM dataspace with the ELF binary by
> opening a ROM session. When requesting a ROM session, the ROM module
> name is given as argument. There is no directory hierarchy and no way to
> scan for the available ROM modules. The ROM client has to know what to
> ask for. It then maps the different portions of the dataspace (such as
> the text segment) to the address space of the new process. In short: A
> ROM module is a piece of data that can be memory mapped. When multiple
> processes use the same ROM module (i.e., when the ROM module is a shared
> library) there exists only a single copy of the ROM-module data in the
> system.
> A file-system session provides access to a hierarchical file system
> where files can be read/written, directories can be scanned, etc.
> Compared to the ROM session, it is far more complex. The data contained
> in files is copied over the session interface. A file of a file system
> can never be memory mapped.
> The Genode base system (including the dynamic linker and the init
> process) does not rely on the file-system interface at all but only
> requires the simple ROM session interface. This way, low-complexity
> system scenarios can be realized without any notion of "files". To
> facilitate more sophisticated scenarios where executables and libraries
> should come from disk, a two-staged approach can be used:
> The first stage (the first instance of the init process) contains all
> the drivers and services needed to accommodate the second stage. This
> static part of the system contains the ACPI driver, the disk driver, the
> file system server for accessing the second-stage files and an instance
> of the fs_rom component (that I mentioned in one of my previous emails).
> The fs_rom component provides a ROM-session interface by reading files
> from a file system. In your setup, you would configure cli_monitor such
> that "ROM" session requests from the CLI monitor are routed to the
> fs_rom server instead of to the parent. The fs_rom server will request a
> file-system session. So you have to route the file system session to a
> file-system service (such as rump_fs).
> > 2. How do I access a specific filesystem on a hard drive?
> Are you referring to individual partitions? If yes, please have a look
> at the part_blk component (os/src/server/part_blk).
> > 3. Can Genode automatically detect a filesystem's type?
> There is no out-of-the box solution for this.
> Cheers
> Norman
> --
> Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske
> Genode Labs
> ·
> Genode Labs GmbH · Amtsgericht Dresden · HRB 28424 · Sitz Dresden
> Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske, Christian Helmuth
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