Hi Norman

Quoting Norman Feske <norman.fe...@genode-labs.com>:

I did a bit of planing on the over the last weekend. Attached you find the
document I wrote with all the informations How I think the drivers should
could interact with each other.

One question I have, is should the IoConfig service be integrated in to the
platform driver or a separate driver.

Hi Pirmin,

Are there some examples, where I can look how such a hardware
abstraction server should be structurized?

a good candidate is the existing GPIO driver for the i.MX53 platform
located at repos/os/src/drivers/gpio/imx53. It shows well how to keep
the three main concerns of a device-driver component well separated:

* The device specification (i.e., the register layout) resided in
  the header gpio.h, expressed in C++ types,
* The driver logic is implemented in driver.h,
* The glue with the Genode world is implemented main.cc

The driver uses the MMIO framework, which is described in Section 8.15
of the manual.

I will use this information, as soon I find the time to start the implementation.

Happy hacking!

I'm off to the Hack'n'Hike for now :-)

I hope you had good weather conditions.


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