On 05/31/2015 08:53 AM, Nobody III wrote:
> My mindset has basically been that it when it could take me hours to
> find a solution that someone else already knows, it seems a little
> pointless. As for Git specifically, it seems like a tool with many
> advanced features, most of which I'll never use. Also, I'm better at
> learning to use tools by seeing what commands do what (examples) rather
> than by reading lengthy documentation. I have spent far too much time
> reading documentation to find simple answers. Most of what I read I
> forget, and I sometimes later have to read the same documentation again
> to figure out how to do the same thing I did earlier. Basically, at this
> time I don't think I need to use much of the advanced functions of Git,
> and so most of the knowledge will go unused and will inevitably be
> forgotten. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If my memory were better, or
> if I were involved in more large-scale projects, I would find reading
> the book more useful. Sorry for still being hesitant. I really have read
> a lot if documentation, forums, and mailing lists.
> I really do want to learn, and am willing to take the time needed, but I
> also want to get to working on the AHCI issue rather than spending a
> couple days reading about Git.
> I also have two main projects of my own that I switch between, both of
> which are fairly ambitious.
> By the way, I have read the Genode manual. (I skipped some sections, but
> I still probably read the majority of it.)
> I think the people who don't like helping a lot of beginners don't
> understand that the documentation is often part of the problem. I learn
> best when given the big picture and organized documentation that I can
> use as a reference. I'm best at remembering things if I learn them to
> use them in the near future.

git clone
git fetch
git rebase (-i)
git commit
git push
git remote add *
git branch
git log
git show
git add/del

That is basically all you need and it is sufficient to know them all in
its basic forms. As Christian mentioned, if you understand the concept
behind Git, there is no magic to it. I suggest to play around a little.

It is easier than you think, I have been through cvs, svn, bzr, hg
myself, and Git is easily the most efficient one,


P.S. Reading is good, but trying is even better :-)

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