Hello Mehmet,

To be clear, the utility comes from UCSC, it is not a part of a linux 
install (ubuntu or other).

Did you download the kent source and compile the twoBitToFa utility? Or 
ftp the compiled version from hgdownload? If so, double check that the 
utility is executable and in your shell path.

If you need to obtain the utility, an executable version can be 
downloaded here via ftp:

Ftp help:
(follow instructions, except cd into the directory above)

Complete source, from which you can compile the utility yourself:

Please let us know if you continue to have trouble,

Jennifer Jackson
UCSC Genome Informatics Group

On 3/11/10 6:34 PM, Mehmet Ilyas COSACAK wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to convert "hg19.2bit" to "hg19.fa" by the "twoBitToFa". I
> downloaded both files. I have "ubuntu" linux software. I used the following
> command line to convert the "2bit" to "fa" format as : "twoBitToFa hg19.2bit
> hg19.fa" but it says "twoBitToFa" is not recognized as a command.
> what sould I do to use "twoBitToFa" on linux.
> sincerely,
> mehmet.
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