On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 01:21 +0000, Luke-Jr wrote:
> > On Tuesday 01 March 2005 20:33, Creamer, Mark wrote:
> > > This e-mail transmission contains information that is intended to be
> > > confidential and privileged.  If you receive this e-mail and you are not a
> > > named addressee you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to
> > > read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this communication without the
> > > consent of the sender and that doing so is prohibited and may be 
> > > unlawful. 
> > > Please reply to the message immediately by informing the sender that the
> > > message was misdirected.  After replying, please delete and otherwise
> > > erase it and any attachments from your computer system.  Your assistance
> > > in correcting this error is appreciated.
> On Tuesday 01 March 2005 23:01, Simone Piunno wrote:
> > this is just to inform you I have received an email from you but I wasn't a
> > named addresse.  According to the notice that was included in that email, I
> > was not authorized to read, print, retain, copy and disseminate that email
> > without your consent, and that doing so could be unlawful.  Then I've
> > decided to fulfill the request to reply and inform you of what happened, as
> > I'm doing now.  I confirm I've already deleted the email from my system.  I
> > hope this will be appreciated.
> This is to inform both of you that while Mark can legally deny your/our right 
> to print, copy, or disseminate his emails, but he cannot prevent you/us from 
> reading or retaining it. Likewise, you/we are not legally obligated to delete 
> or erase his emails, nor to inform him of any such "mistakes" simply because 
> he tells you to.
Then again it could be a simple signature asking that people who get a
message via misdirection, simply tell him so he can re-send to the
proper people and then toss it (Unless you're really curious about what
he does).  Seems to boil down to common courtesy, and easily ignored if
it offends.  


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