First thing to now is that I can't seem to use vesafb-tng, it's disabled for 
some reason, so I am using the vanilla vesafb.

1st, enable vesafb and bootsplash in your kernel. Some peole need to disable 
Boot Logo too.

2nd, emerge splashutils.


To make your shell run in vesa mode, you need to put in your grub config:

kernel <your kernel> ro root=/dev/<your root partition> vga=0xNNN

The NNN part is the resolution and bit-depth you want.

In my case, I want 1024x768 at 16bit, so it is 0x318

now, if you want a splash screen, add this to your grub:

splash=silent, theme:emergence (or any other choice of theme)

If you are using genkernel, you're on your own, coz you need to do something 
with the initramfs, there's threads in the forum talking about this, but I 
can't remember the details sorry.

FWIW my grub looks like this:

default 0
fallback 1

title Gentoo
root (hd0,1)
kernel /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/hda5 vga=0x318 splash=silent,theme:emergence

title Windows XP
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 20:44:46 -0500
Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I really like the graphical background, font colors, etc that the
> shell uses on the LiveCD. How do I craete that shell "look" on my
> system now that Gentoo is installed?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Mark
> [unwieldy legal disclaimer would go here - feel free to type your own]
> --
> mailing list

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