Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm..  Herbie64...  I have visions of Herbie the Love Bug.  (It's an old
> movie about a VW bug that was intelligent.  Probably from the 60s, too. 
> =8^)

> Good job making me feel old!  :)

Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great movie, loved it, and so did many others... Mean we will probably 
> love you too! ;) See you can always find compliments in our statements 
> no matter how evil they seem.

It's Love Bug movies that are evil, I'm sorry to say, and not because
of some relationship between beetle cars and Adolf Hitler.  Herbie was
a creation of Disney, and Disney is the power behind the Sonny Bono
Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998.  The pure evil of the SBCTEA is
something even I recognize, despite my mixed opinions on proprietary
software.  This evil, evil United States law exists to free Disney
from the need to create anything new and worthwhile; to do so it
steals _all_ of a huge class of rightful "properties" of the human
community and "gives" them to a few.  Copyright terms already were
unjustifiably long, but the passage of the SBCTEA indicates that every
20 years the Disney corporation can get an extension for everyone; now
there is no reason to presume that any copyright ever will expire in
the United States.

Thank goodness Stallman invented the copyleft, so at least copyright
can be used to _ensure_ that the public gains.  We copyleft users
represent the rightful future of humanity.

This thread seems to have gone weird.  :)

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