When I first started using Gentoo, I didn't know what etc-update was for but
each time I emerged a package it would complain about all the ._xxxxxx
files.  Upon further investigation I realized that I really wanted some of
the updates and I didn't want others.  I wrote a little shell script that
finds the files, does a diff against the original and gives me a simple
prompt: Update, Ignore, Remove new: 

A simple enter key, or a U or u will just install the new file.
I lets me ignore the file this time and R removes the new version.
R removes the new config file.  This is especially handy if it would wipe
out my /etc/fstab.  There are few config file changes that I need merge in
by hand.

I have seen other similar scripts, and I have tried etc-update, but I keep
using mine.  I have cleaned it up a bit and it is attached.


Steve Herber    [EMAIL PROTECTED]               work: 206-221-7262
Security Engineer, UW Medicine, IT Services     home: 425-454-2399

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, Nuitari wrote:

> >> A discussion of the dangers of etc-update.  Protect your hand-crafted
> >> config files.  Especially fstab and group.
> >
> > This is always a good one to emphasize.  (Do note that the fstab issue is
> > going away, however.  I don't know about stable, but ~ baselayout doesn't
> > contain that file any more, so it's not overwritten.  Continuing to use it
> Now I know that this isn't the best content in messages, but I'm 
> definitely happy that it is going ot be taken out.
> What I would like to see is that the original (eg default) configuration 
> file is saved somewhere and that when a program is updated that changes 
> are checked against that file and not the currently installed one, that 
> way there is much less risk of overwritting a customized file when there 
> is no actual updates.
> --
> gentoo-amd64@gentoo.org mailing list
# Copyright 2004 by Steve Herber
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

# set -x

echo Searching in $START

for cfg in `find $START -name '._*' -print`
        real_cfg=`echo $cfg | sed s/._cfg...._//`

        echo Checking $real_cfg

        diff $cfg $real_cfg

        read -p "Update, Ignore, Remove new: ${real_cfg}?" answer

        case $answer
                # blank as default gives us an update
                        mv $cfg $real_cfg ;;

                        echo Not updating $real_cfg ;;

                        rm $cfg ;;

                        echo Not updating $real_cfg ;;

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