Hello everyone,
I'm installing gentoo on a Tyan GX28 with a broadcom SATA 8XXX RAID Controller and I'm getting the following error after Grub passes the boot selection screen:
Booting 'Gentoo Linux'

root (sd0,0)

Error 23: Error while parsing number

Press any key to continue...
After that it just returns me to the boot selection screen.

According to the grub manual this is a syntax error in my grub.conf file where grub expects to find a number but finds somethng else. Thing is my grub.conf file is extremely short and just don't see where grub is expecting a number and isn't getting it. Maybe someone can point out my ignorance here? I'd really apprecate it. :-D

Here is the contents of my grub.conf file:
default 0

timeout 30

title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.11-r11

root (sd0,0)

kernel /kernel-2.6.11-gentoo-r11 root=/dev/sda3
Any deas?

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