Sean Sullivan wrote:

>On Sunday 10 July 2005 09:25, Mark wrote:
>>I'm rebuilding my system from scratch, using 2005 and a stage 2 build.
>>It keeps failing in the emerge --emptytree system process. I suspect
>>my make.conf is the problem. So a couple questions...
>>1. On the USE flags, this time around, I put in everything that
>>sounded like I wanted, which ended up being a very long list. Am I
>>better off having a very short list of USE flags, as shown in the
>>example in the docs?
>>2. I have -march=athlon64 in my make.conf file. My processor is an
>>AMD64 Athlon 3200+. Is that the correct march= setting? Maybe that's
>>my whole problem rather than my USE flags list??
>>Thanks all,
>>[unwieldy legal disclaimer would go here - feel free to type your own]
>march=athlon64 should be fine for your CPU. I use it and have an AMD64 3000+. 
>How exactly does the emerge fail? What is the error you see? Doubtful it has 
>anything to do with your USE flags, so we'll prob need to see the error.
>Here is my make.conf for comparison (and I have a lot of USE flags)
>CFLAGS="-march=athlon64 -O2 -pipe"
> USE="-gnome -kde -gtk -arts acpi alsa X audiofile avi -bonobo
>   cdparanoia cdr crypt cups dbm divx4linux dvd dvdread gtk2
>   encode imagemagick mailwrapper mozilla mpeg mysqli multilib
>   nvidia ogg oggvorbis oss opengl pam perl python qt samba ssl
>   mysql php xine amd64 apache2 cups acl xml readline libclamav" 
You said it failed on the QT package, maybe you should enable kde in
your USE flags. If you dont want kde then do you really need QT? Also
running ~amd64 can and will b0rk you. Use package.keywords for any
~amd64 packages that you require.

If you continue to have errors post you output of "emerge info".
Hope that helped
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