Marcel Treis wrote:
> Kyle Liddell wrote:
>> Do you have sideband
>> addressing or fastwrites enabled?
> Well, i'm a bit ashamed to say, but i dont know where to get that info :|

If you have the nvidia kernel module loaded, it should be available by
cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status
(not exactly sure, i have the opensource driver activated as well, and
then this file is not there).
cat /etc/modules.d/nvidia
will show you the contents of the nvidia kernel module configuration
file. note that any changes made here need to be written to the
confiuration file really used (/etc/modules.conf) with modules-update.
The modules.d directory is used to make this configuration a bit more
modular (no pun intended ;)

FYI, i had exactly the same problems as you (X11 would go to 100% CPU
and thus lock up the machine when alt-tabbing in gnome no matter what
the load, i could only kill it via ssh) and also had to solve this
problem by switching to nv, thereby losing dual-head. So you're not
alone :) I also think there is a long thread in the gentoo forums
dedicated to this topic (titled "x11 crashes" or "x11 uses 100%CPU" or
something), but as far as I remember, there weren't any good solutions.
Hopefully newer combinations of kernel/nvidia-kernel will solve this

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