Jan Jitse Venselaar posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
excerpted below,  on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 11:04:38 +0200:

> As the reporter of the problem with nano, I'd like to make 1 correction to 
> this report: Recompiling nano and its depencies did not fix the crashes. It 
> just fixed the eating of the file. 

Thanks for the correction.

> I did not recompile my entire system, but a crash of such a small and basic 
> app as nano made me not want to do this outside of a chroot, which I 
> currently do not have the means for.

A rather good point.  Of course, some of us like living on the edge <g>,
but it's still something I'd not add as a dev, certainly not unless it was
linked to some sort of local
USE=this-might-kill-your-children-and-eat-their-flesh type of USE flag! <g>

(OK, s/children/files/, s/their-flesh/your-disk/, but you get the point...)

Never-the-less, I added the strings patch here, and have the new KDE 3.4.2
stuff at least, compiled against it...  Computing is my hobby; if I
wanted something that would predictably "just work", I'd be doing TiVos or
the like!  Much of the fun is the occasional breakage in mysterious ways,
never knowing quite when it'll happen, and the challenge of figuring out
how to get back to a working system, again!

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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