On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 09:58 -0400, Billy Holmes wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
> > Thanks. Yes, I've run ck-sources a few times in the past but not had
> when you run with ck-sources, others have found it's best to use 
> SCHED_ISO rather than SCHED_NORM (ck was patched with ISO support) - 
> which is like real time scheduling for users processes. From what I hear 
> it's easier to setup than the rt limits stuff (ie. it's automatic).

Much more important is to run emerge as SCHED_BATCH.  I do this, and it
keeps emerge for effecting my interactivity (including skips in
audio/video) at all.
Daniel Gryniewicz
Gentoo AMD64 Team / Gentoo Gnome Herd / AMD64 Operational AT Lead

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