I'm attempting a dual core upgrade on a MSI Neo2
Platinum.  It requires a BIOS upgrade which just won't
boot linux as far as I can tell.  Anyone got a Socket
939 Mobo which will run 64 bit gentoo with a dual


I've been running a few copies of the Neo2 Platinum
and one thing to watch out for is flakey RAM.  Had two
batches of OCZ RAM go back for warranty replacement
followed by a few "emerge -e world" to fix the carnage
on the harddrive left behind.

BTW, 10K RPM SATA drives give some good numbers with
an odd error

# hdparm -Tt /dev/sda

 Timing cached reads:   4016 MB in  2.00 seconds =
2007.87 MB/sec
HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(null) (wait for flush complete) failed:
Inappropriate ioctl for device
 Timing buffered disk reads:  206 MB in  3.02 seconds
=  68.21 MB/sec
HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(null) (wait for flush complete) failed:
Inappropriate ioctl for device

--- Drew Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've been very happy with both nforce 3 & nforce 4
> MSI motherboards.
> I've built some graphics clusters with them, and a
> number of
> workstations, no problems as of yet. You will need
> some sort of video
> card, but there are a number of cheap ones that
> would work fine. A
> PCI-Express 6200 nvidia card can be had for well
> under $100 now.
> On 10/17/05, P.V.Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > James Pattinson wrote:
> >
> > > If you have a mobo that you'd recommend for use
> with gentoo-amd64, could
> > > you please let me know?
> >
> > I am using the MSI Neo 4 Platinum. So far so good.
> >
> > It has two ethernet ports. One is the forcedeth
> and the other is Marvell.
> >
> > It has 8 sata ports. No built in graphics card.
> >
> > P.V.Anthony
> > --
> > gentoo-amd64@gentoo.org mailing list
> >
> >
> -- 
> gentoo-amd64@gentoo.org mailing list

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