On Tuesday 25 October 2005 01:27, Chris Smart wrote:
> Would it be possible to build a 32bit java and install it onto the
> amd64 system, and use that? ie, would it work if we simply ran a 32bit
> jdk? sun-java is only 32bit isn't it?

Sun's jdk is in the 1.5 taste also available as 64 bit for amd (there is a 
64 bit itanium build of 1.4). 1.5 however has it's own share of 
issues ;-) in portage. That said installing a 32 bit jdk someway and 
running 32bit openoffice against it should work. Somewhere in the options 
menu you have the option to indicate the location of said jdk. Just make 
sure that java-config does not point to said 32bit jdk.


Paul de Vrieze
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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