Mark Knecht wrote:

  My wife and I signed up for a class that is taught partially in
person and to a great extent on the web. To use the material it's the
usual set of requirements - Windows, IE or Firefox, Java, Flash, an
audio player that plays stuff on the page, etc., or a Mac. My wife's
32-bit Gentoo machine is working fairly well, although I am having a
couple of fairly serious Java problems. (Which I hope can be worked
out.) My AMD64 machine, on the other hand, is failing terribly and I
really need it to work, somehow...

  To this end I'm at the very early stages of a 32-bit install. I'd
hate to have to drop back to 32-bit operation on this machine full
time, although I'm not actually running anything that has to run
64-bit so maybe it's a non-issue really, other than the work involved
to get there.

  Some questions:

1) If I build and boot a 32-bit version of Gentoo it is my
understanding that the AMD64 will be completely 32-bit compatible and
that I can run whatever any other IA-32 machine can run. Is this

2) If I build a 32-bit install is there anyway to run this 32-bit
environment within the 64-bit environment? I assume not.

  Thanks in advance. You all have been quite helpful over the last
few months and I'm more than sure that you will be now.



i have just got my new AMD64 system, and am going through and install.

Point 1, yes, it will operate 32bit apps and be fully compatable

in answer to point 2 I noticed this

these are the instructions for the 32-bit chroot.

hope this helps you..

David Anderson
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