On 09/12/05, Yassen Damyanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for anyone using clockspeed successfully on
> amd64.
> I have a success story 2 years ago using it on a Redhat 6
> system to correct a terribly drifting clock. It did a
> *perfect* job for me.
> Now I am trying to use it to correct a clock that speeds up
> about 1 sec. per hour, this on a Gentoo Linux / amd64 box,
> and it does not work for me.
> Here's a log of what I did, following the INSTALL.gz:
> # DIARY of of the clockspeed tunning process:
> # YD, 2005-11-28:
> # (#4) Tunned the clock via
> #    sntpclock `sntphost.sh` | clockadd
> # (#5) Then started clockspeed and gave it a time measurement:
> #    clockspeed &
> #    sntpclock `sntphost.sh` > /var/lib/clockspeed/adjust &
> #
> # YD, 2005-11-30:
> # (#6) second time measurement given via
> #    sntpclock `sntphost.sh` > /var/lib/clockspeed/adjust &
> #
> # YD, 2005-12-06: bad, clock drifting is now
> # before: 2005-12-06 07:51:29.438417000000000000
> # after:  2005-12-06 07:51:15.661924499920696019
> (sntphost.sh simply returns one IP address of a near-by sntp
> server.)
> I am absolutely ignorant about any details of how clockspeed
> works, so forgive me any stupidity.
> I am also aware that this sounds more like a question for the
> clockspeed list itself, but I've already done that and got no
> reply.
> What I can add to the above report: trying to access the atto file
> fails, as it simply does not exist. The /var/lib/clockspeed/ looks
> this way:
> dedi root # ls -la /var/lib/clockspeed/
> total 6
> drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   38 Nov 28 09:23 .
> drwxr-xr-x  16 root root 4096 Nov 30 10:28 ..
> prw-------   1 root root    0 Nov 30 12:01 adjust
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root  176 Feb 17  2005 leapsecs.dat
> Do I miss something? What might be wrong? I would appreciate
> any help -- thank you!
> Yassen Damyanov
> Troyer Information Systems
> --
> gentoo-amd64@gentoo.org mailing list

Bit of a typo in the subject :)

Rob Lesslie

gentoo-amd64@gentoo.org mailing list

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