On 10 Dec 2005, at 01:54, Eric Bliss wrote:
Okay, I lied, there's one more point. It doesn't apply to me, but there are plenty of people who it does apply to - not everybody who subscribes to these lists has a broadband internet connection. And depending on how many of these lists they subscribe to, and how active they are, the "double size" of HTML posts can become a serious problem for their individual connections.

Also consider those of use who use something like GPRS on a day-to- day basis. We generally pay by the byte while we're on the move so have a very good reason to trash these heavy emails. My regular MUA can't even process HTML; why would I pay extra to read a load of angled brackets?

Craig Webster | t: +44 (0)131 516 8595 | e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Xeriom.NET    | f: +44 (0)709 287 1902 | w: http://xeriom.net

gentoo-amd64@gentoo.org mailing list

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