On Tue, 2006-01-10 at 09:31 +0100, Jonathan Schaeffer wrote:
> Thanks for these informations, as a matter of fact I use xfce4 and
> don't mind about new version of gnome. Still I forced  gtk+ on latest
> stable version and it works now well.
> How did you find this dependency out ? the xfce ebuilds doesn't
> mention about gtk+
> About the texmaker issue, it seems that there is a problem with
> qt4.0.1 and qt4.1.0 ... I'm investigating further.
> ciao

I did a grep in the ebuilds for x11-lib/gtk+-2.6, which is the depend
atom that would enforce that requirement.  If you're looking for
installed packages (as you would be, I don't have xfce installed) you
could use equery d instead of grep, which should be a lot faster.  (you
also need to look for <x11-lib/gtk-2.8 in general, to be complete, but
there aren't any of those in the tree.)


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