On Wed, 2006-01-11 at 17:37 -0200, Fernando Boaglio wrote:
> Hi, =D
> I would like to hear from your some advice about buying a new GeForce
> NVidia!
> My old GeForce2 it's really bugging me, freezing my desktop sometimes,
> which 
> gave me the error "NVRM  XID: 0008".  =( 
> I don't see people complaining about this error at Nvidia forums with
> new boards, only 
> GForce2 and GForce4 owners. =/
> TIA!
> []'s


If you wqant to be able to run last years games and watch full screen
(1600 X 1200) video, the Nvidia 6600GToc works very well.  The fan on it
is quieter under full load then a high end 125mm case fan.

I can't say if it will run 2006's releases of games, but it runs DOOM 3,
UT2k4, Quake 4 very well.

Best of luck. 

B Vance

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