Michael Ulm wrote:

2) Go totally ~amd64. I am slightly worried about system
   stability in this scenario. Every time the system hiccups
   my wife tells me that this never happened in Windows...

I've been running ~amd64 for a year or more now, and I've had no problems with upgrades breaking things. The only difficult upgrades seem to occur when a new profile is distributed, and you don't have to do anything when that happens - you opt into it, not out of it.

I suppose the occasional problem does crop up, which I usually find easy to fix by putting the problem version of the package concerned into package.mask, thus:

# cat /etc/portage/package.mask

As for Windows, I loathe it more daily. Its sheer arrogance is about its worst feature - it insists it knows better than I do, no matter what little thing I'm trying to do. I suppose I could fork out thousands for the course that would tell me some basic things, but why should I? That's for large corporations, not the middle-aged pensioner.

I could go on about comparisons between Word and the late, lamented Word Perfect, but I'd better not.

gentoo-amd64@gentoo.org mailing list

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