On 1/28/06, Daiajo Tibdixious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to
>  http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/kde-config.xml
>  I only have to put DISPLAY_MANAGER="kdm" in /etc/rc.conf, which I have
> done:

>  $ grep DISPLAY /etc/rc.conf

That should be DISPLAYMANAGER=xdm

>  I'm going to go thru the xdm startup to try to figure this out, which will
> take a while,

Shouldn't take long, the (partial) code that does it (from /etc/init.d/xdm) is:

        local MY_XDM="$(echo ${DISPLAYMANAGER} | awk '{ print tolower($1) }')"
        case "${MY_XDM}" in
                        EXE="$(which kdm)"
                        # Fix #65586, where MY_XDM is empty so EXE=somedir
                        [ -x "/usr/bin/${MY_XDM}" -a -f "/usr/bin/${MY_XDM}" ] \
                                && EXE="/usr/bin/${MY_XDM}"
                        [ -z "${EXE}" ] && EXE="/usr/bin/xdm"

        test ! -x "${EXE}" && EXE=/usr/bin/xdm

You can see it looks for DISPLAYMANAGER, uses the program 'which' to
determine if the requested display manager exists, and if it does not,
falls back to xdm (last line).


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