Thierry de Coulon, mused, then expounded:
> Hello,
> - for what I'd like to do with video (ripping and converting DVDs and DV 
> processing) 64 bit software is not ready: I did not check directly if 
> transcode works, but DVDRip would not start.

DVDrip and transcode work fine for me under 64-bit.  While there are
issuse with 32-bit only codecs, they can be worked around in multiple
ways, including a 32-bit chroot environment.

Try adding the following for video output - "-vo sdl"

It solves some of the issues.

> - regarding audio, 64bit is not an issue. Ripping the CD allready took more 
> time than converting to ogg on my dual Athlon.

I suggest that something is set up incorrectly or your comparision is off for 
reason.  Though, the Opterons do transfer a full 64-bit word containing a 32-bit
value for each audio packet.  In general, I've not seen my dual Opteron to be
slower than the dual AthlonMP I ran.  Converting to ogg with grip, is faster
on my dual Opteron system.

> - standard desktop applications, as far as I am concerned, heavily rely on 
> and that is still 32 bit

Desktop apps are fine at 16-bit.  Why go to 32-bit?

> - gaming also requires 32bit

Perhaps you don't run the 64-bit version of ut2004 or doom3?
> So I am thinking that a 32bit Gentoo is the way to go. I may switch to 64bit 
> later, when it really (?) brings something
> Does anyone have other arguments to justify the troubles of working with a 
> 64bit install at the moment?

Simple, at 64-bit, one can run both 64-bit apps and 32-bit apps.  At 32-bit,
one can only run 32-bit apps.  And 64-bit apps will take advantage of the
extra register set.  A 64-bit kernel provides a faster os due to being more
efficient, and having access to the extra registers.

In gentoo the make.conf CFLAGS becomes - "-mach=k8", while for 32-bit, both
"-mach=k7" and the USE flags - mmx, sse, sse2, (perhaps) sse3, 3dnow, and 
3dnowext, all need to be set.  Otherwise, your performance suffers when doing

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