On Monday 20 February 2006 15:49, Vitaly Kovalyshyn wrote:
> <snipped>

Please don't quote such large messages, that doesn't really help.

Did you turn up the volume for this soundcard?
Alsa's default is off, you have to run `alsamixer` and turn it up to a decent 
level. (media-sound/alsa-utils)

There have been reports about problems with the drivers supplied with the 
kernel on some systems. Your .config tells me you use those, you could try 
the gentoo package instead to see if it solves this problem 

You have USE="-alsa", why?
Do the programs you use have alsa support?

The codec_semaphore message seems to be a warning but shouldn't prevent the 
soundcard from working. (at least that's what google tells me)
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