On 7/27/06, Rafael Barrera Oro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I ran the commands without any problems and the disk seems to work fine,
can i just remove those 2 lines from the bootmisc script until i find a
better solution? or is it kind of a tactic a redneck that came from
Texas Chainsaw Massacre would use? :P

Well, it is hackish, but it might be the right thing to do.  Actually,
what I could recommend as a debugging step is to:

1) comment out those two lines
2) reboot to single user mode (add 'single' to the kernel options at
the grub prompt)
3) run the two commands manually under strace:

strace -f -tt -s256 -o strace-rm-1.txt \
   rm -f /tmp/.X*-lock /tmp/esrv* /tmp/kio* /tmp/jpsock.* /tmp/.fam*

strace -f -tt -s256 -o strace-rm-2.txt \
   rm -rf /tmp/.esd* /tmp/orbit-* /tmp/ssh-* /tmp/ksocket-* /tmp/.*-uni

The strace will list all system calls that rm makes with timestamps,
so you can see where the delays are coming from.  Feel free to send me
the strace-rm-*.txt files directly if you want another pair of eyes to
look them over.

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