I have the extact same card in a Compaq laptop. First, disable DRM in
your kernel. Then emerge ati-drivers. If it fails, try to follow it's
instructions, but if it fails during compile and gives you no
suggestions, then echo "x11-drivers/ati-drivers ~amd64" >>
/etc/portage/package.keywords and try again. It should work. If it
doesn't, let me know and I'll try to give you some more details. I
don't remember much because my last install was a few months ago.


On 8/18/06, Chris Forsyth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Everyone
    I just purchased a new laptop. It's an MSI 1013. I have been
watching the list for about a month. I have seen a lot of issues with
the ATI Xpress  200M  (my video card as well.) I was wondering if anyone
had any install tips to avoid problems. I know I should the "omit
xfree86-dga" for KDE but where does this setting go. Any other tips for
the first time installer would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone

Chris Forsyth

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