Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> Yeah, but -march might be filtered by the ebuild and -mtune not; I like 
> using both of them.  Similar to this, I have multiple -O flags in my 
> CFLAGS so the late non-filtered one is active.

This is not an argument, because when filtering such stuff, we use
'replace-cpu-flags' which filters all of the -march/-mtune/-mcpu
options. There's really no point in having them both.

The same goes for the -O filtering. Ebuild maintainers would either use
e.g. 'replace-flags -O* -O1' or 'filter-flags -O*' which would remove
all of them.

So, to put it simple: You lost. :P

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 developer
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