Daniel Gryniewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Thu, 31
Aug 2006 19:41:43 -0400:

>> Luckily, KDE believes in actually giving the user such choices.  Not all
>> desktops seem to, one of the reasons I'm using KDE and not these other
>> desktops.  Thus, I was pretty sure even before I found it that the option
>> was there.  I just had to look for it.
> <sigh>
> System -> Preferences -> File Management
> On the Behavior tab.
> A checkbox that says: Include a delete command that bypasses Trash
> It's not even hard to find, it was the first place I looked.

OK, but does it yet include the ordinary ability to choose colors for
elements of the GUI, or is that still edit the config manually or install
a style to your liking, only?  What about keyboard shortcuts?  Are they
user redefinable both at the overall system and individual application
levels?  I /do/ understand the filechooser is finally getting the textbox
path entry back.  Sure, ctrl-l or whatever, but how was the user supposed
to know that?

While an AOLer targeted "padded cell" interface may be popular for some,
perhaps a huge "some" as AOL so well demonstrated, some of us hate that
attitude with a passion, and /thought/ we had kissed it goodbye when we
left proprietaryware aka slaveryware behind.  (I've since realized that it
may indeed have a place within the free software movement, for exactly
those AOLer types who after all we'd like to see using free software as
well.  That doesn't mean I find it any less personally repulsive, but if
some people want to spend their life on that sort of software, that's
after all part of what free software is all about, and I'd not take away
that choice.)

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