On Wednesday 13 September 2006 13:09, Brett Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 01:11:08PM +0200, Tomas Synek wrote:

> The on-board RAID controllers and most add-in RAID controllers sold
> through normal end-user channels are software RAID. Hardware RAID
> controllers are very expensive, have a dedicated CPU (well SPU, storage
> processor unit) and dedicated RAM for cache. Some even have dedicated
> battery backups for the cache.
> Even though you have to use the on board BIOS of the Silicon Image or
> any other consumer RAID controller to configure the drives for RAID use,
> the actual processing of the RAID is done by the OS and drivers, so it's
> still software RAID.
Thank you to all who have replied.
I have read the docs and think I know what I should do, except one thing.

The docs do not make it clear how to set the bios, should I set it for normal 
ide drives and the use linux raid?
Or should I set the raid in bios (ie create the arrays) and load the correct 
raid drivers and then use linux raid?

Thanks again
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