"Hemmann, Volker Armin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below,
on  Mon, 06 Nov 2006 09:29:51 +0100:

> where is the logic with that?
> You don't need to do regularly --emptytree emerges. If you don't change
> gcc you never need it. So why?

That's the thing.  I haven't done a full emerge --emptytree since at least
gcc-4.1.0, which was never unmasked (it's 4.1.1 that's unmasked).  I did
one sometime after 4.0, I think during the 4.1.0 release candidates, but
not since.

As for doing it every gcc upgrade, that's a bit ridiculous when you are
running the weekly gcc snapshots as I was between 4.0 and 4.1.

So, everything on my system has been compiled with (I think) at least a
4.1 release candidate or newer, but I haven't done a full --emptytree
since 4.1.1 was released and unmasked, I know.  Thus, particularly since
I'm having that mysterious problem, it's time to do one, and see if the
problem disappears. =8^)

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