On Thu, 2007-04-26 at 07:51 -0400, Mark Haney wrote:
> >>
> > 
> > I did that before I emerged world, I followed the wiki to the letter for 
> > this upgrade.  However, I did shut my system down after emerging system 
> > and before emerging world (did make sure system rebuilt completely), 
> > could that have something to do with it?
> > 
> > 
> I completely walked back through the upgrade process last night.  After 
> an emerge of system, I still do not have that file in 
> /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1.  Is that file not supposed to 
> have been created with fix_lib_tools.sh?

I don't think that file is supposed to exist at all; at least, I have
libstdc++.a and libstdc++.so, but not libstdc++.la.  No,
fix_libtool_files.sh won't create any .la files; what it does is scan
your system looking for .la files with hard references to the old (now
gone) compiler, and fix them to point to the new compiler.  I'd guess
that this is your problem: some .la file on your system had a pointer to
libstdc++.la on the old compiler, which was fixed to point to the new
compiler, but gcc is no longer installing that file.  Try this:

find / -name "*.la" -exec grep -H libstdc++.la {} \;

For each hit, use equery b (or equivalent) to find out which package
owns that file, and re-emerge that package.  I'd guess that should solve
your problem, although you may find some of those packages depend on
each other, so the order of re-emerging may be important.


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