"Conway S. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Mon,
28 May 2007 07:14:15 -0600:

> Last I heard, Gentoo/FBSD was stalled, due to licensing terms.  But it
> was some time ago, has that changed?

I don't believe it's stalled now.  Among other things, Roy is designing
Baselayout-2 to be friendlier to Gentoo/FBSD.  Baselayout-2 is a pretty 
recent development, and definitely still masked as it's still in serious 
development.  (FWIW, I've been running 1.13.0_alphaXX for some time, 
since it was hard masked tho it seems to be ~arch now, but I've not tried 
2.0 yet, at all.)

The worst recent blow, AFAIK, was when Flameeyes quit, as that was his 
baby (well, one of them, he was incredibly productive all over the 
place).  Fortunately, he's back, but taking it a bit slower this time, 
mainly focusing on GFBSD.

BTW, his blog at http://farragut.flameeyes.is-a-geek.org/ has some very
interesting entries re the thread topic, and this subthread, and gcc
as well.

First, his latest entry explains a bit about coming back (the links
include date and title):

Second, back on the second page, he discusses his work on OpenJDK.
He's mainly interested in getting it to work for GFBSD since the
FBSD version is old and vulnerable, but he's getting it working
on Gentoo Linux first.  Apparently, it DOES compile on amd64, but
may require a bit of tweaking due to path lengths.  Anyway, worth
reading for anyone following the GPLv2ing of Java, particularly
as it applies to Gentoo and specifically, Gentoo/amd64.

Three entries:

Finally, as one who has unmasked gcc-4.2.0 locally, and recompiled
my entire system (that'll work with it, I've about a half-dozen
packages that won't), this entry on gcc 4.3 and the problems
it's going to cause is interesting:

Hmm... the g2planet RSS feed doesn't seem to be carrying flameeyes
blog again yet.  Having just read a bunch of it, and found
all that interesting stuff, I'm going to have to rss-feed it directly...

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