On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 09:53:12 -0400, Richard Freeman wrote:

> > I keep my keys on an encrypted partition, /etc/conf.d/cryptfs prompts
> > for the key for that partition at boot. Then the keys on that
> > partition are used to set up swap and /home before the partition is
> > unmounted, so the keys are only exposed for 2-3 seconds per boot.

> I'd prefer to not require any passwords to boot the system - I'm running
> a server and mythtv as well and if something goes down I'd rather it be
> back up on its own without me at the console.

Fair comment, I run this setup on a desktop and laptop. I do have an
encrypted partition on a server, but it gets it's key over the network,
and if the system will still work without that partition.

I don't use encryption on my MythTV box because I don't record anything
top secret ;-)

> However, I did think of a potentially-elegant solution:
> 1.  Create a new volume group for each swap partition.
> 2.  Add the swap partitions to their volume groups.
> 3.  Create one logical volume on each volume group.
> 4.  Map the crytpo-loop devices to the LVM logical volumes.
> Then if device names change the LVM logic will find them and sort it all
> out.  And there shouldn't be too much overhead running swap on top of
> LVM - my issue was with running swap on LVM on RAID-5 - which is a lot
> more overhead.

That sounds a good plan, but why do you need multiple VGs? Why not put
all the swap partitions in one VG then create one LV on each PV?

Neil Bothwick

Don't let your mind wander, it's too little to be let out alone.

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