2007/11/26, Antoine Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Beso wrote:
> > hmmm.... maybe you didn't understood....
> > when you shutdown, restart or whatever kde its last session will
> continue to
> > load as it was before restart.
> Well, maybe you misunderstood my question: the session does not resume
> as it was but with the wrong version of firefox.

this is due to a wrong shutdown... the only way of this to happen is a
forced kill of kde. there's no other way for it to happen.
anyway for what i know of kde sessions you just need to remove everything


and have these directories writable (but if you login they should already be
writable). just in case do a ls -l on them and see if they are at least
drwxr--r--  2 <user> users (this means that the directory is owned by the
user, of group users which has full permissions, while the group members
have read permission and the other users not in the users group have read
permissions). this is the minimum required permissions for kde to run. if
they're are lower (for the specific user) kde won't work.

> the problem is that when you do a
> > restart/shutdown ecc from the kde session the next time the session
> which
> > will load will be the last one to load, but when you do force a restart
> then
> > the last session would be the one before the forced restart.
> That's not the problem here.

as i've said before, it's quite impossible for kde to restart a wrong
session on restart if it wasn't killed.

> now, if this is not your case for firefox autostart there are 2 ways:
> > 1. the firefoxstarter app
> > 2. a link in your /home/foo/.kde/Autostart/ directory.
> > for what i know there aren't other methods of autostarting something
> > something on kde.
> > if you want your firefox to load after login then place a symlink to
> firefox
> > in the autostart directory.
> > you could also use the firefoxstarter, but it has the problem that you
> have
> > to exit it when flash breaks with nspluginwrapper.
> I don't want to add an autostart (as shown above, that's easy), just
> find where the session applications are saved so I can zap the wrong
> copy of firefox from it (and script this step if necessary).
> Antoine

hmmm, maybe you've added the autostart item in the Autostart. verify it and
remove if necessary. look in the directory specified above.

dott. ing. beso

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