On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 7:15 PM, Richard Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
>> So, in my opinion, you are just a pro-paludis troll.
>> And from what I can see, trolls are the prefered audience and power behind
>> paludis.
> Guys - let's try to keep this civil!
> There are lots of folks who use and like paludis who aren't trolls.  I'm
> among them.  The main thing I like is that the dependency management tends
> to work better than portage (or at least better than how portage used to
> work).  It also has better native support for overlays, and it is a bit more
> actively developed.  It also seems much faster to me - or at least it used
> to be (actually - I use portage so infrequently these days that it seems to
> take forever just to regenerate its various caches when I do use it -
> perhaps if I used emerge --sync that might behave differently).
> On the other hand, I do understand the attitude issues associated with some
> of the key developers and as pointed out in the FAQ quote it tends to show.
>  I'm not sure I'd actively evangelize for its use as a result.
> My recommendation is to look into paludis - and feel free to try it out.  Be
> aware of its advantages and limitations.  Then make the appropriate
> decision.  As Duncan pointed out it isn't an ideal package manager if you
> use binary packages frequently.

Couldn't have said it more elegantly myself. ++
 "I've got a fever. And the only prescription is more cowbell." --
Christopher Walken
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