on 09/15/2008 05:57 PM Sebastian Redl wrote the following:
Thanasis wrote:
I attach the /etc/init.d/clock which shows a local "readonly" variable that controls a "--noadjfile" option.
What does the following test do?

if ! touch /etc/adjtime 2>/dev/null ; then
elif [[ ! -s /etc/adjtime ]] ; then
               echo "0.0 0 0.0" > /etc/adjtime
First it tests if a touch of /etc/adjtime succeeds. If not, the file is not writeable, and it sets the readonly variable.

Then it tests if /etc/adjtime exists (it does, since the touch succeeded) and has non-zero size. If not, it writes a zero adjust into the file.

How can I make /etc/adjtime readonly? I tried "chmod a-w /etc/adjtime", but root can always write to it :-) , unless the init script doesn't run as root.

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