Beso wrote:
>> CFLAGS="-march=nocona -O2 -pipe"
> first of all: nocona breaks your build. nocona isn't an amd processor
> but an emt64 (intel). for your processor you need to use march=k8.
> also, i'd use -Os instead of -O2 since it has some speed and size
> optimizations and it's stable. 

-Os optimizes for size, while -O2 optimizes for speed. There is no need
at all to use -Os on a modern desktop machine, and it will run
comparatively slower than -O2 optimized code, which is probably not what
you want.

>> CHOST="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
>> USE="3dnow mmx sse sse2 threads threadpool -multilib"
> sse isn't supported on athlons, so remove it

As we're talking about athlon64 here, it definitely is. The Athlon64 X2
supports mmx, mmxext, 3dnow, 3dnowext, sse and sse2. And the AM2 models
also support sse3, but not ssse3 or sse4.

And as for -march, -march=athlon64 equals -march=k8 (see the gcc
manpage). So you can choose either one and get the exact same optimizations.

I hope this clears a few things up.

Ben de Groot
Gentoo Linux developer (lxde, media, desktop-misc)
Gentoo Linux Release Engineering PR liaison


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