On Thu, Dec 04, 2008 at 12:17:14PM +0800, P.V.Anthony wrote:
> Hi,
> I need help with permissions for a folder on a server for web hosting.
> The permissions should be secure but must allow for ftp also. It is a
> very basic question, please bear with me.
> The web server is apache and the user and group for the web server is
> apache. Pureftpd is used for the ftp server.
> Now the domain1.com is being hosted in a folder called domain_1.com and
> domain2.com is being hosted in a folder called domain_2.com.
> Thinking of giving the following permission for the folders.
> permission    user            group           folder
> drwxrwx---    domain_1.com    domain_1.com    domain_1.com
> drwxrwx---    domain_2.com    domain_2.com    domain_2.com
> drwxrwx---    domain_3.com    domain_3.com    domain_3.com
> Then apache will be member of groups, domain_1.com, domain_2.com and
> domain_3.com.
> Is this correct and secure? Is there another better way?
Correct, yes. Secure, depends, but probably no. If your customers can run cgi
programs or php scripts, you might run into trouble. It doesn't matter wether
you run a cgi/php from domain1 or domain2, it will normally always run as
httpd-user. Now consider some simple code in a cgi like:
  cat ../../domain2/htdocs/.htpasswd
This will normally work without problems from domain1, since this code will be
run as httpd-user, that is in group domain_2.com.
Apache has a peruser mpm that should work around this problem. Or you could use
something like SELinux or AppArmor, but this will require some work.

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