Duncan wrote:
Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> posted
5bdc1c8b0908031600p4ba190b0ya560748a6d636...@mail.gmail.com, excerpted
below, on  Mon, 03 Aug 2009 16:00:32 -0700:

Still, installing from some other distro that actually works seems
easier and why, by the way, does that other distro support installation
for the OP when Gentoo does not? Seems strange to me....

Really, I never did figure out why Gentoo bothers with a LiveCD at all, except to be able to say it's eating its own dogfood, as they say. It's perfectly doable to boot one of the other LiveCD versions, do the setup thru filesystem format and mount, download the stage tarball to the newly setup filesystem, and go from there. Doing that is one of the options in the alternate installation guide, last I looked anyway, and is about what I did as I said only in my case I was running Mandrake on other partitions on the hard drive, and used it instead of a different LiveCD to do the initial partitioning, etc.

That would be far simpler and less hassle than trying to keep a working LiveCD, when doing a LiveCD isn't your specialty, as it isn't with Gentoo. And that could be made the installation method covered in the main handbook reasonably easily, as well. But, as I said, there IS a degree of integrity to be seen in having and using your own, and I suspect that's why Gentoo continues to offer it.

Costello: Hey, Abbott!
Abbot: Yes, Lou?
Costello: I just heard about Linux and I wanted to try installing it.
Abbot: That's great Lou. What distro are you planning for?
Costello: Gentoo. But I know nothing about Linux!!
Abbot: You will in time.
Costello: That's exactly why I am here to see you.
Abbot: Oh?
Costello: I heard that you are a real computer expert.
Abbot: Well, I don't know-
Costello: Yes-sir-ee. You know your stuff. And you're going to train me.
Abbot: Really?
Costello: Uh huh. And I am here for my first lesson.
Abbot: O.K. Lou. What do you want to know?
Costello: I am having problems with installing Gentoo. I heard you need
to use a CD?
Abbot: That's true.
Costello: So, here I am working on my new computer to install Gentoo.
What do I do?
Abbot: Well, first you go to mandriva.com and-
Costello: No, I told you, I want to install Gentoo.
Abbot: I know, you go to mandriva.com-
Costello: Wait a second. I want to install Gentoo. Gentoo. I'm not
interested in Mandriva. So tell me what to do.
Abbot: I did.
Costello: When?
Abbot: When I told you to go to mandriva.com.
Costello: Why should I mandriva.com?
Abbot: To install Gentoo.
Costello: I go to mandriva.com to install Gentoo.
Abbot: Well you don't actually install Mandriva.
Costello: I knew it! So what do I download?
Abbot: Mandriva LiveCD.
Costello: Mandriva what?
Abbot: Mandriva LiveCD.
Costello: Mandriva LiveCD to do what?
Abbot: Install Gentoo.
Costello: You don't have to get rude!
Abbot: No, no, no! That's not what I meant.
Costello: Then say what you mean.
Abbot: To install Gentoo, go to-
Costello: Don't say it, ''mandriva.com!''
Abbot: Then what do you want me to say?
Costello: Look, if I want to install Gentoo, I am willing to
go to gentoo.com, or gentoo.org, but
no one in their right mind downloaded Mandriva to install Gentoo.
Abbot: But that's what you do.
Costello: And you probably go to gentoo.org to install Mandriva, and apple.com to install Windows.
Abbot: Don't be ridiculous.
Costello: I am being ridiculous? Well. I think it's about time we
go to apple.com.
Abbot: What are you talking about?
Costello: I'm sick of oranges. Good-bye.

Shamelessly adapted from: http://www.ajokes.com/jokes/276.html

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